lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2007

A Christmas Carol

The play was such a success! Thank you all for your prayers. It was a lot of work! Our big night was Saturday, December 15. We started with carols and ended with a time of celebrating the meaning of Christmas! I realized so much from this show about the reformation that Jesus can bring about in a person's life. Its not a Christian show, or about the birth of Jesus, but I found themes that could be related to a great sermon. Although the theology might be a stretched! :) Scrooge, this mean old man, is supernaturally changed by the spirits who visit him. And he praises the spirits who want him to live a different life. We have the Holy Spirit working in us, who draws us to Christ. Scrooge is given a second chance at beating the grave. And his moment of redemption comes with remorse for the way that he has treated his fellow man.
One of my cool experiences linked with the play was using the story to witness to a Colombian man. He works at a little shop right outside my building. I was waiting on the sidewalk with a giant paper mache turkey (which Scrooge sends to the Cratchit family at the end of the play.) Using my best Spanish I got to tell him the story of redemption that "the Holy Spirit" works in Scrooge's life.

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