miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

High School Retreat-More than Extraordinary!

We returned from a retreat held in Chinauta, about 2 hours from Bogotá. I was a chaperone because I am the student council advisor. The student council did a great job planning games and worship sessions. God blessed the kids with a relaxing and spiritually-deepening time.
I made some new friends on the retreat. The speakers are an Assembly of God missionary couple who are my age. We even have some mutual friends who I worked with in California. We really hit it off and they are a blessing to get to know!

sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2007

School Activities!

It is a beautiful sunny day, but I am missing watching leaves fall. I saw some pictures on facebook of gorgeous autumn colors and then looked out my window. Different beauty, God's creativity at work.
This week, we had play practice a couple times. I am so excited about putting on A Christmas Carol! My students and I have been talking about whether or not Charles Dicken's is a Christian, and I'm not sure but he did understand caring for others and redemptive life change. I've enjoyed our times of character development, especially the distinction between Scrooge and characters like Scrooge's nephew Fred and Bob Cratchit. Rodrigo, a twelfth grader and the principal's son, is Scrooge and very convincing as a grumpy old man! Fred is played by Russell, a MK in my biology class, who is just the perfect image of joy and grace to Scrooge. And Nathan plays Bob Cratchit meekly and exemplifies forgiveness for Scrooge's hard-heartedness. Please pray that God would use this story to inspire a Christlike spirit.
The high school Student Council planned Spirit Week, and everyday included a different costume and some kind of enthusiasm-building game. I was amazed at the amount of spirit shown and we ended with a tie between two teams! Being the Student Council coordinator I participated in 80's day, nerd day, twin day, etc. Angela, my roommate from Wheaton was my twin!
My roommate, Casey, got engaged this week! Her boyfriend is a missionary in Nicargua and came to visit. We are all very excited for her!
(Now it has started hailing outside, this happens most afternoons for about thirty minutes. If it doesn't hail, it rains. Hard, with thunder. The school yards flood and my poor gym teacher roommate, Rebecca, has to take the kids inside to play soccer or something else.)