martes, 15 de enero de 2008

a Taste of Colombia

I just wanted to thank all of you who came to my house for the party! It was great to get to talk a little with all of you. If you didn't get to come you missed out on some crazy South American food that I taught everyone how to make at the party. Lomo al trapo was the favorite dish I think, because you have to actually throw the meat in the fireplace to cook it. (let me know if you want the exact recipe :) Lomo al trapo was a favorite because it was crazy, not because it tasted awesome (too much salt!) The second time around was much better.
We also made fried platanos (called patacon) and mangobiche (salty mango with lime juice on it) and hot chocolate with cheese to melt inside. Thank you all for being so adventurous! and thank you all for coming to support me in Colombia. I know the Lord will bless you for it!